
Zřejmě žádnému lidskému uchu příliš nelahodí zvuk skřípění kol vlaků či tramvají. Jak s tímto nepříjemným problémem dokáže zatočit nový inteligentní systém mazání okolků kolejových vozidel, tedy mazání mezi kolem a kolejnicí, jenž je dílem vědců z Fakulty strojního inženýrství VUT v Brně, se můžete dozvědět na letošním Mezinárodním strojírenském veletrhu.

Scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Brno University of Technology have invented a new processing method for manufacturing building materials. Their method saves more energy and also reduces the environmental load.

A device with a wide range of potential use has been developed by scientists and students from Brno University of Technology. In constructing the device, they have paid close attention to the use of modern technologies and to high safety demands.

Theimplicity of the avant-garde art movement, purity of style and the practicality of Scandinavian design. These were the basic prerequisites in creating a unique concept of a table lamp. In the second, a similar project, it was inspiration from the latest hi-tec trends.

The fact that it is possible to radically transform the design of such highly-specialised equipment as industrial machines has been demonstrated by employees and students of the Institute of Machine and Industrial Design at Brno University of Technology.

The invention of a magnetic backflow valve for discharging water quickly from a tank, which finds its ultilization at horizontal root-zone treatment plants, has currently its practical application - BUT has a licence agreement concluded with the company ASIO, spol. s r.o., which is the first company to place a device of such a type on the Czech market.