
Apparently, every responsible rider realizes the importance of the proper functioning of the shock absorbers of their vehicle. However, the existing methods of technical diagnostics are not simple. Many methods require the use of complex and expensive instruments. That’s why new, modern methods are used here, which are far more effective, simpler and often cheaper.

Fluorescence microscopes have been finding ever wider application in the natural sciences and medicine. Researchers at Brno University of Technology have invented a method of how to combine on the microscope bright field and fluorescence measurement and to use this method when monitoring the physiological functions of heart cells.

The quality of the atmosphere we breathe is a global issue, since what we breathe affects the healthy development of each individual. And surely all over the world we care about our own health. Substances polluting the atmosphere mostly come from motor vehicle emissions or industrial combustion processes, but they are also present in cigarette smoke, flooring, carpets, clothes, synthetic glues, stains and varnishes, cleaning agents and cosmetics. Such substances are most harmful in closed rooms, such as the workplace, homes and children’s bedrooms.

Today, when research and development plays such a key role, enormous demands are placed on laboratory instruments, their precision, speed and last, but not least, their mobility. At the Central European Institute of Technology, CEITEC, a unique device has been developed for the chemical and biochemical analysis of liquids, the so-called nanopotentiostat. The device has been developed within the BUT’s Molecular Biotechnology project, with Doc. Ing. Jiří Háze, Ph.D. as the guarantor.

At work I often hear the question: “How might a company cooperate with Brno University of Technology?” Bit by bit I then discover that there are lots of companies in our country which have no clue that cooperating with universities can consist of something more than writing out final theses for students. Access to science at universities is constantly increasing and is also influenced by grants from the European Union. It was these grants which have helped us to equip laboratories and establish new research centres.

Employees and students of the Institute of Machine and Industrial Design at Brno University of Technology made a new design for two types of scanners. They also improved some of their properties.