A great variety of burner types are available in the market for practical use. This article focuses (as does the Institute of Process Engineering) on industrial burners designed to burn waste (gas, liquids). Four types of burners will be presented.

Filing an international patent application is relatively straightforward, but completing patent proceedings successfully requires real patience, communication with patent offices and, if you are a research organization, having your own sponsor. In cooperation with TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING a. s., Brno University of Technology has learnt to overcome all the pitfalls of patent proceedings and can to be credited another success in the field of foreign patent protection - by being granted a Chinese patent.

In today’s world, the demand for materials that are stronger, more compact, etc., is constantly increasing. The development of these materials goes hand in hand with development of the tools to work such materials – to improve not only the properties of these materials but also quality of their working. The Brno University of Technology is certainly playing its part in this progress.

The correct cooling of metal surfaces in the manufacturing of semi-finished products is not that easy. It requires finding a suitable type of nozzle while setting the correct flow rate and nozzle distance from the surface to be cooled. In addition, an important role is also played by the material and the shape of the cooled surface. Nevertheless, finding the optimal parameters for a specific cooling section is quite a complicated science. At the Brno University of Technology, this issue is being studied by the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory. Up until now, they have been trying to adjust the amount of falling water by varying types of nozzle and their distribution around the cooled surface. This time, however, they have tackled the problem a little differently.

Metal cutting is based on precision material finishing. However, what do you do if the tool deviates from the set coordinates when removing a chip? The error may be in the accuracy of the spindle run. But how do you check it?

Tým z výzkumného centra CEITEC VUT, které v loňském roce získalo Zlatou medaili Mezinárodního strojírenského veletrhu za mobilní laboratoř, letos v rámci MSV představí BURNER-RIG test (Jet-test), který vyvinuli vědci pro stanovení gradientu teplot, životnosti a odolnosti nově vyvíjených materiálů a povlaků pro vysokoteplotní aplikace, které se přednostně využívají v letectví a energetice.