Robot from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering boasts hybrid undercarriage and unique industrial design

Robot from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering boasts hybrid undercarriage and unique industrial design

Doc. Robert Gepl of the Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics and Ing. Pavel Čoupek, a postgraduate student at the Institute of Machine and Industrial Design at Brno University of Technology, have cooperated in developing a comprehensive robot design. Its innovative concept for an undercarriage gives the new mobile robot a truly unique industrial design.

Current mobile robots are constructed with a wheel undercarriage, the disadvantage of which is the relatively restricted ability to move in rough terrain; however, they can move at a high speed with a very high energy performance. Another type includes robots with a walking undercarriage. These are characterized by being highly capable of movement in a terrain; however, they have low energy performance and can move only at low speed. The advantages of both types of mobile robots are combined in robots with a hybrid undercarriage. The newly-developed mobile robot can be used as a service, rescue, survey or pyrotechnical assistant.

Its unique design forms part of an industrial design registered at the Czech Industrial Property Office.

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